Saturday, October 30, 2010

Be of Good Cheer

Photo by Garry -

The Lord has taught us to be of good cheer. When we are in our premortal life we shouted for joy because of the opportunity to progress to our second estate (Job 38:4, 8) We were aware that during mortality we would experience pain, sorrow, disappointment, afflictions, problems as well as joy and happiness. With all this knowledge we felt peace and security because we knew that our Heavenly Father would always be mindful of us and that He will always be there to help and comfort us.

Trials are part of the Lord's plan for us

In life, we will have:
  • disappointments, trials, and problems
  • experience joy
  • Satan will tempt us - because he wants us to be miserable like him
The Lord wants us to succeed and be happy in our life. Eventhough we have so many challenges in our life and sometimes we feel down and miserable, remember always that there is someone who can help us rise above our blues and that is the Lord.

We can be of good cheer even in difficult times

In John 16:33 it says and I quote "These hings I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."

In Matthew 14:27 it says and I quote "But straightway Jesus spake unto them saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.

The Lord will always be there for us no matter what. He knows what we feel and what we want. He is there to strengthen us whenever we feel lonely and down. We are given trials to gain experience, to shape our character and to learn and progress in this life. Whenever we feel discourage, remember to count the blessings we receive each day and we will be surprised on what the Lord has done to us.

Remember that we shall find rest in the Lord and He will lift us at the last day if we will remain faithful and righteous unto the end.

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