Monday, January 17, 2011

Having a positive attitude makes a difference

When there are difficulties in our life and we feel down, this is the time to reflect, think and expect the positive. Our Heavenly Father sent us to earth to learn, grow, experience, succeed and not to fail. We must always remember that God will never give us a burden that we cannot bear. Each and everyone of us have different challenges in life and it is up to us if we face it in a positive or negative way.

When we choose to have a positive attitude, we usually perform our work better and faster, and we usually enjoy it more. Filling our life with happy thoughts will help us overcome the negative feelings we feel inside. Some challenges might be easier for us to face if we will develop a positive attitude. We must learn to trust our self and God then do our best in our life no matter how many difficulties we may face.

President Spencer W. Kimball said:

“I remind you … that regardless of your present age, you are building your life; … it can be full of joy and happiness, or it can be full of misery. It all depends upon you and your attitudes, for your altitude, or the height you climb, is dependent upon your attitude or your response to situations” (in Conference Report, Oct. 1974, 112–13; or Ensign, Nov. 1974, 80).

We must always remember not to let circumstances influence our thoughts and moods. By rising over them mentally, we will eventually rise over them materially. By trusting in the Lord, praying and reading the scriptures we will develop a positive attitude and personal growth.

May the Lord bless us all! Keep smiling!


Jonha | said...

Hi there! I was browsing and read the My Yahoo 2010 Story guidelines and decided to read more when I came across this. The thing that got me curious was President Kimball's quote then I realized the web address, you're an LDS too! Thanks for sharing your optimism, the world needs more positive people ;-) Keep shining, let's refrain from sinning!

GERMIE said...

Yes, I'm an LDS too! Thank you so much! Well yes, we have to be more positive because we already know Heavenly Father's plan for us. Let us always stand for truth and righteousness! :)

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