Online writing is a great way to earn money. It can be mastered by anyone who has the will to put some effort and perserverance. The internet has provided many opportunities for writers to earn a part-time or full-time income in the comfort of your own home.
So if you think you can write then why not join some of these sites that can help you earn money in writing articles:
eHow - is an online community that provides informations about how to's and tips on day-to-day tasks to everyone. They provide users to share, discuss and learn how to achieve life's everyday projects. Apply as a writer at eHow here
Wikinut - is an online publisher for the masses. You write original articles, they publish them online and then pay you 50% of advert revenue.
HubPages - is your online space to share your advice, reviews, useful tips, opinions and insights with hundreds of other authors. It is website designed around sharing advertising revenue for high-quality, user-generated content.
Squidoo - is a popular publishing platform and community website that allows users to create pages called "lenses" for subjects of interest online. It's all free, and you could even earn a royalty for charity or yourself.
It's very possible to earn money on these sites as long as your articles are worth to read and draws larger audiences and generate more ad revenue and traffic. And remember, as long as your articles draw traffic and earn advertising revenue, you will continue to be paid!